"Robert's proven ancestry is non-existence. There are indications that the lines were related in some
fashion. But there arevarious opinions about how they are related. The line set out for Robert's brother
Hervey, based on Moriarty, has Robert in it as an elder brother, but states that he dsp. The line wit
hRobert as grandfather of Ranulph is based on R. Mortimer, 'The Family of Rannulf de Glanville',
'Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research' LIV (1981) 1-16. I have put them together,assuming that
Robert did not 'dsp'.
My apoligies for the length of the following & I pray that this relates to the same individual:
Robert de Glanville, Feudal Lord of Bromholm, etc. (vi. A inPedigree), was at the survey enfeoffed of
several Lordships ofthe Honour of Eye in Suffolk. The following are the Extractsfrom 'Domesday Book'
relating to him:
'SUFFOLK: HUNDRED OF STOW.- Robert de Glanville holds Crating ofRobert Malet, which Leuin, a
freeman of Edric, the predecessorof Robert Malet, held in commendation. There is one carucate ofland
in the soke of the King and the Earl. There were always 6bordars, and there was then one plough and a
half, afterwards1/2 a plough, and now two ploughs in demesne. There was thenhalf a plough belonging
to the men, 3 acres of meadow, and the4th part of a mill. There were then 2 horses, now there arenone.
Now there are 4 steers, 14 hogs, and 43 sheep, and 6freemen of the same. Leuin holds in
commendation 12 1/2 acres.There was always 1/2 a plough among all, and there is a soke manof the
same Edric of [i.e., holding] 28 acres. There was always1/2 a plough. Then and afterwards the whole
was worth 20shillings; it is now worth 30 shillings.' (D. B., pp. 304,304b.)
'BOSEMERE HUNDRED.- In Crating is one freeman who, in the timeof King Edward, was under the
protection of Edric. There are 20acres and 2 bordars; and there was then 1/2 a plough; now 1 ox,and 1
acre of meadow, and it is worth 3 shillings and 4 pence.Walter of Caen holds it. In the same is 1
freeman, and 1 1/2acres, who was the man of a certain client of Edric's, and it isworth 2 shillings, and
Robert de Glanville holds it.' (D. B., p.304b.)
'PLUMESGAT HUNDRED.- . . . . . In Gliemham is a freeman ofAlmicin(?). There are 15 acres, and they
are worth 2 shillings.Robert de Glanville holds it. The soke is the Abbot's.' (D. B.,p. 308b)
'PLUMESGAT HUNDRED.- . . . . . In Benhal 4 freemen hold 8 acresin commendation, and they are worth
16 pence. They are indemesne. The soke is the Abbot's. In the same I freeman holds incommendation
1 acre and 1/2, and it is worth 6d. Robert deGlanville holds it. The soke is the Abbot's.' (D. B., p. 309.)
'HUNDRED OF CARLEFORD.- . . . . . In Burch, Robert de Glanvilleholds one freeman, Wlunin, the Priest,
who was under theprotection of Edric, in the time of King Edward. There are 6acres, and they are worth
12 pence; and 11 acres of freeland,and they are worth 11 pence.' (D. B p. 315b.)
'HUNDRED OF PLUMESGAT.- Baldeseie (?) a berauite (barton) ofHoleslea, which Robert de Glanville
holds of R. Malet, 1carucate of land. There were always 3 bordars. Then there was 1plough and 1/2,
now there are two. Then, it was worth 25shillings, now it is worth 40 shillings, and it is one mile inlength
and 5 furlongs in breadth; and it returns 27 pence forgelt. In the same ville 17 freemen, under the
protection ofE[dric], held 60 acres of land in the time of King Edward. Therewere then 3 ploughs, now l
1/2, and 4 acres of meadow. It wasthen worth 10 shillings, it is now worth 12. In How, 1 freemanfor the
4th part of 1 acre worth 2 pence.' (D. B., p. 317b.)
'HUNDRED OF WILEFORD.- . . . . . In Alretun there were 31freemen in the time of King Edward, now 34,
under the protectionof Edric, of these Godric, the predecessor of Swain, had theprotection of 2 1/2, but
W. Malet has been seised thereof, Thereis 1 carucate of land and 80 acres, and one bordar and 1/2.
There were then 6 ploughs, now 5; and 20 acres of meadow. It wasthen worth 40 shillings, it is now
worth 100s. There is achurch, 24 acres, and 1 acre of meadow, and they are worth 4shillings, and in
Holeslea is a mill worth 12 shillings. Allthis Robert de Glanville holds.' (D.B., p. 317b.)
'HUNDRED OF WILEFORD.- . . . . . In Carlesford, Robert deGlanville holds of Robert Malet, 24 freemen,
[who were] underthe protection of Edric in the time of King Edward. There aretwo carucates of land and 5
bordars. There were then 7 ploughs,now 4, and 4 acres of meadow. It was then worth 30 shillings, itis
now worth 40, and it is one mile in length and 5 furlongs inbreadth, and it returns 12 pence 1/2 for geld.
Belonging to thechurch are 36 acres worth 3 shillings.' (D. B., p. 319.)
'HUNDRED OF LOXA.- . . . . . In Dalingehow, Robert de Glanvilleholds of Robert Malet 4 freemen, under
the protection of Edric.There are 80 acres and 17, and 1 bordar. There was always 2ploughs and 2
acres of meadow. There is wood for 4 hogs. It wasalways 21 shillings.' (D. B., pp. 327, 327b.)
'BISSOPES HUNDRED.- . .. .. Godwin held Berdefeld in the time ofEdward for a manor. There are 4
carucates of land. There werethen 18 bordars, now 23. There were always 2 ploughs in demesne.There
were then 8 ploughs belonging to the men, now 9. There iswood for 200 hogs and 9 acres of meadow.
There were then 2nag-horses, now 1. There were then 9 steers, now 20. There werethen 40 hogs, now
60, and 83 sheep. It was then worth œ6, nowœ7. It is 6 furlongs in length and 8 in breadth, and returns
31/2d for geld. Edric held Stetebroc in the time of K. Edward.There are 5 1/2 carucates of land. Then and
afterwards 16villians, now 11. Then 11 bordars, now 30. Then 11 ploughs indemesne, afterwards 6,
now 5. Then and afterwards there were 12ploughs. And Wingberg(?) to wit a barton in the same account
andvaluation. Now 5 ploughs, and 12 ploughs can be restored in all.There are 20 acres of meadow and
wood for 400 hogs. There werethen 5 nag-horses. There were then 16 hogs, now 30, and 30sheep.
There are two churches having 40 acres, and 1/2 a plough,and 17 sokemen having one carucate of land
and 3 ploughs, woodfor 40 hogs and 5 acres of meadow. The soke of these sokemen isin Hoxa, the
Bishop's Manor, and Edric (The Dane) held half ofthe Bishop. It was then worth œ14, it is now worth
œ16. And ofthis manor Walter holds 2 sokemen of 40 acres, and they areworth 8 shillings. Robert de
Glanville 4 of 20 acres, worth 5shillings in the same valuation; and Walter, the son of Grip,one of 15
acres, worth 30 pence in the same valuation; Leornic,one of 20 acres, worth 26 pence in the same
valuation. Edric hasthe soke and sac. It is two miles in length and one broad, andit returns 14 pence 1/2
for geld. Others hold there.' (D. B pp.328b, 329.)
'In Torstanestun are 6 acres, and they are worth 12 pence.Robert de Glanville holds this of William de
Warena (?).' (D. Bp. 400b.)
Robert de Glanville also held half a Knight's Fee of Norwich.[The measurements at this period are not
the same as in thepresent day. A 'lenca,' or mile, far exceeded our standardEnglish mile of 1760 yards.
And an 'acre' is a difficult thingto explain.] [Ref: Records of the Anglo-Norman House ofGlanville from A.
D. 1050 to 1880, by Wm. Urmston S.Glanville-Richard, Esq. (London: Mitchell and Hughes 1882)http:
//worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=fryfam&id=I2182 ]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Rainald DE GLANVILLE - Sire de Glanville
"This Family took its name from 'Glanville,' a place in theArrondissement of Port l'Eveque in Normandy,
at a very earlydate, and it flourishied in England before the Conquest.('Historiae Nomannorum
Scriptores Antiqui,' by Chesne.) Rainaldor Ranulph de Glanville was Lord of Glanville circa 1040, andhe,
about 1064, witnessed a charter in favour of Tobert deMowbray. ('Gall. Christ,' xi., 60, Inst.) [Ref: World
Connectdb=fryfam, rootsweb.com, citing: Records of the Anglo-NormanHouse of Glanville from A.D.
1050 to 1880, by Wm. Urmston S.Glanville-Richard, Esq. (London: Mitchell and Hughes 1882)]
Note: I translated Curt's world connect reference above, becausehis reference had changed and was no
longer valid. Also it isPont l'Eveque, not Port l'Eveque (The place is 20 km. from theocean, so it is not a
port, but it may have a bridge (ie.Pont)). This place is in Calvados, which is where Glanville is,about 70
km. ExNE of Caen."
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Ivar I Oplaendinge HALFDANSSON - Earl of the Uplands
born - Norway - Trondelag 785
"he Scandinavian Earls of Orkney trace their descent from thenoblest and most heroic of the ruling
dynasties of the north.Ivar, Prince of the Uplands in Norway, who claimed a descentfrom the deified hero
Thor, was father of Eystein. [Sir BernardBurke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages,
Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 492, Sinclair, Earl ofOrkney] "
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Monday, January 04, 2010
born - Norway - Holturn 753
"Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan theGenerous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan
gained this title bypaying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died ofa malady, was duly
buried in a mound beside his father Eystein,and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is
considered to bea historical personage, although the tales that are told abouthim are no doubt at least
partly legendary.
[Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Eystein 'Fret' - KING OF VESTFOLD
"After Halfdan Whiteleg's death, according to the sagas, his sonEystein ruled Vestfold until a rival king
named Skjold used his magic powers to have Eystein knocked overboard during a sailing expedition.
Eystein's body was recovered from the sea and buriedwith great ceremony.
[Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Halfdan KING OF VESTFOLD 'White Leg'
"After a season of bad harvests, the woodcutting king [OlofIngjaldsson] was sacrificed to Odin so that
his people mighthave good crops. He was succeeded by his son Halfdan Whiteleg,who is said to have
extended his rule over much of southernNorway. Halfdan died at a ripe old age, was dully placed in
aburial mound, and his deeds were sun by the bards. [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander
& Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Olaf KING OF THE SWEDES 'The Wood Cutter'
"The kinly line [of Norway], which Snorri [Sturlusson, 13thcentury historian] traces claimed descent from
the ancientYngling kings who ruled at Uppsala in Sweden. Their legendaryYngling ancestor was Olof
Tretelgia Ingjaldsson, who had escapedthe aftermath of his father's conflagration by fleeing toNorway.
Her King Olof earned his nickname, which means 'the Woodcutter',by clearing the forest and cultivating
the land. He named hisnew domain Varmland and such a large group of Swedes followedhim there
'that the land could not give them sustenance.'
After a season of bad harvests, the woodcutting king wassacrificed to Odin so that his people might
have good crops. Hewas succeeded by his son Halfdan Whiteleg, who is said to haveextended his rule
over much of southern Norway. [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Ingjald KING OF THE SWEDES 'Braut' 'The Wicked'
Gauthild ALGAUTSDOTTER b: ABT 0664 in Sweden
"Another Yngling king in Sweden was Ingjald Illrade. From hissaga, we learn something about how
kings were chosen. When aking died, his successor was supposed to attend the funeralfeast and there
sit at the foot of the throne.
A huge horn beaker was brought in. The heir had to pledge to dosome mighty deed of valor, and then
drain the beaker to thebottom. After this ceremony, he was led to the throne andproclaimed king.
When Ingjald planned the funeral of his father Anund theCultivator, he invited all the petty king and jarls
(earls) ofthe neighboring areas to attend the feast. There he stood up,made a vow to increase his
kingdom by the half on every side,and drained the beaker. He then allowed his guests to drinkuntil they
became intoxicated. At this point, he left the hall,surrounded it with his men, set it on fire, and thus killed
allhis potential rivals. The people hated him for his treachery,and named him Ingjald Illrade, or ill-ruler.
King Ingjald is said to have been the last king of the Ynglingdynasty to rule in Sweden. According to the
sagas, he died about600 AD, by setting fire to his palace on Lake Malaren and thusdestroying both
himself and his daughter. It was a fitting endfor a man who had murdered his vassals by that very
In Swede, Ingjald Illrade was succeeded by Ivar Vidfamne (WideReacher). Ivar started a new dynasty,
called Ivarska afterhimself.
The line of the ill-ruling Ingjald, however, did not die out.His son Olof Tretelgia (Olaf Tree-Hewer)
escaped to Norway,where he became the progenitor of the Norwegian Yngling kings. [Royal Families
of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Adils 'Athils' Ottarsson KING OF THE SWEDES (UPPSALA)
"The twentieth king of the Yngling dynasty in Sweden was said tobe Adil. This legendary monarch was
married to Yrsa, thedaughter of King Helge of Denmark. Yrsa, although Helge'sdaughter, had also been
his lover and had born him a son nameRolf, who later became king of Denmark.
There was, predictably, a great deal of jealousy and fightingbetween Adil of Sweden and Helge of
Denmark. In the end, Helgewas treacherously murdered by Adil.
Adil did not live long after this. While at a great sacrifice inUppsala, he died by falling from a horse, a
death which wasconsidered shameful. Yrsa's son Rolf, on the other hand, died inbattle, which was
considered glorious. Rolf's praises were thensung over all of Scandinavia.
(legends of early Swedish kings) [Royal Families of MedievalScandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev]
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Aun Jorundsson KING OF THE SWEDES (UPPSALA) 'The Aged'
"King Aun sacrificed one of his sons to Odin every ten years inorder to prolong his life. After he had
sacrificed nine sons andattained to the age of one hundred and ninety, his subjectsforbade him to
sacrifice his tenth son, and he died of old age,so weak that he had to suck nourishment from a horn like
a baby.While his life was ignobly prolonged, he missed out on thegreatest glory a Viking could imagine -
that of dying nobly inbattle. (legends of Swedish kings) [Royal Families of MedievalScandinavia,
Flanders, and Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Agni (Agne) Dagsson KING OF THE SWEDES
"King Agni was hanged, while in a drunken stupor, by therevengeful Finnish princess he had captured
and married againsther will. [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, andKiev]"
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
"The remarkable stories go on and on for thirty generations. KingDag, who understood the speech of
birds, perished in battlewhile seeking to avenge the death of his slain pet sparrow.[Royal Families of
Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev] "
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Domaldi Visbursson KING OF THE SWEDES b: ABT 0340 in Uppsala, Sweden
"Domaldi succeeded Visbur, but he was sacrificed by the nobles inorder to end a famine brought about
by his treachery (accordingto legend). [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders,and Kiev] "
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Visbur Vanlandasson KING OF THE SWEDES
"Visbur, the son of Vanlandi, was murdered by his own sons whoburned him one night in his hall
(according to legend). [RoyalFamilies of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Vanlandi Svegdasson KING OF THE SWEDES b: ABT 0298 in Uppsala, Sweden
Driva SNAERSDOTTER - Princess of Finland
"Vanlandi succeeded his father, Sveigthir, at Uppsala, but waskilled by a nightmare that an evel witch
conjured up (accordingto legend). [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders,and Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Svegdi Fjolnarsson KING OF THE SWEDES
"Sveigthir was lured into a rock by a dwarf, and there remainedtrapped forever, according to legend.
[Royal Families ofMedieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev] "
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Fjolnir Yngvi-Freysson KING OF THE SWEDES
"Fjolnir drowned in a mead vat, according to legend. [RoyalFamilies of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders,
and Kiev] "
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
"We are told the following regarding Yngve Frey: 'After his death he was worshipped as a god. The day
Friday is named in his honor. His wife's name was Gard.'
We are told that Yngve Frey was buried at Uppsala in the tombe of the kings. A statue of him was
erected at the Uppsala temple,along with the statues of Odin and Thor. The Swedish people gathered
there three times a year to sacrifice to their gods andto hold their councils or 'Things'. At these events,
the king heard the complaints of his subjects, consulted his wise men,and, together with his people,
made important decisions for his kingdom.
The modern historian has difficulty in separating mist-shrouded legends from truth. Who knows? There
may have been a real kingn amed Yngve Frey, who was later worshipped as a god. [Royal Families of
Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev]"
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Monday, January 04, 2010
"Legendary Yngling Dynasty.
Odin/Sigge was succeeded in Sweden by his son Njrod, and he in turn by his son Yngve Frey, in whose
time there was peace overall the earth. [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia,Flanders, and Kiev]"
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Odin (Woden, Woutan) 1ST KING OF SCANDINAVIA
Frigg (Friege FREA
"According to the old stories, his name was Sigge Fridulfsson,but he called himself Odin so that people
would worship him.
???Mythical god-kng who was claimed as a common ancestor by allthe Anglo-Saxon dynasties. His
name is derived from a Sanskritroot meaning 'to blow' and he was orginally a supreme spirit orwind-god
circulating everywhere. He was attended by two ravenswho perched on his shoulder nightly and told him
the news theyhad gathered during their daily flights. The maintenance ofravens in the Tower of London
may be a cult memory of his. Hiswife was Frigg or Freya, and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle names 7sons
as ancestors of the various dynasties. In Scandinavianmyth his name became Odin"
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Sceaf (Seskef, Odin)
'This Sceaf was apparently confused with Shem in the Anglo-SaxonChronicles, which make him a son
of Noah and say that he ( orhis son Bedwig) was born on the ark. Trojan says he ruledDenmark until
999 BC. Other sources call either him or Wodenthe Odin of the North, who ruled Asgard 70-55BC. In any
casethe pedigree is deficient by several generations."
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Sibil (Sif)
"Fostered in Thrace by a certain war-duke called L¢r¡kus. He was goodly to look at with hair faireer than
gold. When he was 12 he was so strong he could lift 10 bear skins. He killed is foster father and mother
(Lora) and took the kingdom of Thrace. He then travelled the earth, it is claimed,killing Giants Dragons
and many beasts. He met his wife in the north, where shewas a prophetess."
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
Placia (Strymo) OF TROY
" legendary king of Troy and father of Podarces (later famous asKing Priam of Troy). Laomedon refused
to give the gods Apolloand Poseidon their wages after they had built the walls of Troyfor him. The gods
therefore sent a pestilence and a sea monsterto ravage the land, which could be delivered only by
thesacrifice of the king's daughter Hesione. But the Greek heroHeracles, who happened to be at Troy at
the time, killed themonster and rescued the maiden on the understanding thatLaomedon should give
him his divine horses. When Laomedon laterrefused, Heracles returned with a band of warriors,
capturedTroy, and slew Laomedon and all his sons except Priam. Laomedonwas buried near the
Scaean Gate, and, according to legend, aslong as his grave remained undisturbed the walls of Troy
wouldremain impregnable"
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Updated: 2007-04-09 04:27:17 UTC (Mon) Contact: H. Schluckbier
Monday, January 04, 2010
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